Return Policy
If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase, let us help you with a replacement, return or repair. You can return or exchange almost everything within 15 days for a full refund. Simply send your item(s) to us with all contents in original packaging, including proof of purchase and Return Authorization number (see below). Once received by us, we will process your return or exchange.Snap Away will pay shipping on any product being returned due to a manufacturer’s defect or due to receipt of incorrect shipment (i.e., wrong product, wrong color). On returns for any other reason, shipping costs will be the customer’s responsibility.
Please contact us via e-mail to receive a return authorization number. You have up to 15 days to obtain a return authorization number and returned product must be received by us within 30 days of the original purchase date. Please indicate in your e-mail whether you want to receive a refund or a replacement.